Post-tension slabs add value and protect your long-term investment. Post-tensioned slabs are
extremely durable and long lasting, resist cracking, have no intervening joints, and also
have better surface uniformity and predictability of play. The courts are built with
tension cables placed in both directions as per design engineering specifications
within the concrete slab. After the concrete has been placed, the tendons are
tensioned to 33,000 psi.
At Hellas Construction, skilled post-tension concrete crews have extensive experience
and industry knowledge to successfully construct, place, and guarantee the level
of quality required by professional-level venues.
Advantages of a Post-Tension Slab:
- Ability to span across unstable soils
- Increased resistance to localized settling
- Minimized crack maintenance
- No intervening joints
- Controlled slope for drainage
- Predictable playing surface
Step By Step Installation Process